Sunday, July 5, 2009

McKie Family

Meet the McKies! Last year I had my first true experience with co-teaching. Ms. McKie was the first teacher I had ever "shared" a classroom with, and to be honest neither of us were very excited about the situation. God had other plans, and immediately we became good friends. Now we spend at least one night a week (usually 0.99 kids' meal night at Applebees) together, and her family always keeps Cameron when we need them. I was happy to be able to take some family photos for them. They are such a blessing to us, and I am so glad our paths crossed! I hope you like them!

Her sweet family!
This is her immediate family with her mother (Nana) and grandmother (Grandma Margaret)
Her "mini me"

4 generations!

So sweet

Nana and her kids! :)

Good times!


Rhagen- the diva in training!

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