Monday, July 6, 2009


Jadyn was ALMOST 1 month old the day we had our photoshoot. She is a sweet little thing! Baby shoots are so much fun because you never know what to expect, and although things might not go as planned, they are still adorable and create beautiful images. Jadyn's mommy, Rachel, took care of Cameron for the first few months I went back to work. She was great to him, and I will always be grateful. Jadyn doesn't quite know or understand yet how long her mommy and daddy wanted and prayed for her, but I know one day she will. I thought this bible verse was so special, and I wanted to include it in her pics. I hope you guys enjoy! She is adorable!

Isn't she a pretty little thing?!?!
So sweet!

Little hands!

This is one of my favorites! One of the few times in life when belly rolls are cute!

Jadyn has awesome accessories !

Her proud mommy!
What is a baby shoot without the baby feet?

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