Friday, July 3, 2009

The Brodricks

Meet the Brodricks! This is such a fun family, and they are some of our very best friends. I met Aaron and Faith through my husband. We have so many things in common. We have the same anniversary (although they were married 6 years before us and graciously spent their 6 year anniversary in our wedding) and our babies are 3 days apart. We have leaned on each other to get through the past 14 months with our sweet babies. We have compared stories, tips, and sleepless nights, and I think it has just brought the 4 of us close. We have our fingers crossed that Emma and Cameron will grow up, fall in love, and share our anniversaries with us! I hope you enjoy the pics!

What a sweet family!

Precious girl!
One of my favorites!

So pretty!

SO much love

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