Friday, July 31, 2009

Covington Trip

I have spent the past 2 days (and will spend tomorrow) in Covington busy, busy with photo shoots and hanging out with my family. The weather has not been very cooperative with me so far, but we are battling through and still getting some great shots. My first shoot was on the square. We were enjoying all the cool wind on a hot summer morning, and looked up to see a curtain of rain coming at us. Needless to say the mother of the girls and I both grabbed a child and ran, literally ran to our cars. The shoot was a little short, but I think we have a good variety of choose from. Thank goodness the next shoot was a newborn inside. I had so much fun loving on little Sadie who was only a week old. She had a few suprises of her own for her mommy and me, (as newborns usually do), but she is gorgeous and I can't wait to share her pics with you. This morning we played the waiting game with the rain again. Brooke brought her adorable boys to take some pics, and it took us 2 hours between our rain breaks and changing indoor and outdoor locations, but I am very, very excited about her shoot. Tomorrow morning Katie is bringing her sweet girls and we are going to take amazing pictures on beautiful Floyd Street, and I will wrap up the weekend with 2 love birds up at my Nanny and Pop's house. I always enjoy coming home. I get to spend some time with my family, get me some YUMMY El Charros, and enjoy my Nanny's homecooking at least once! Anyway I wanted to let you know why the delay, but keep checking back because there are some AWESOME pictures coming soon! Since this is a photo blog I wanted to add a favorite from today. This is my Pop (who is 82) with my son (who is 15 months) together. Their relationship is beautiful and I love them both! On a negative note, I miss the world's best photo editor and my husband terribly. He is back at home taking care of his softball field and having tryouts. I know he has to do it, but we miss him being with us! :( I love you Casey!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Like to PAR-TAY?!?!

I have been trying to come up with differnet ways to promote our new business and gain more clients and I have an idea for all of you people that like to host parties. The concept is the same as all of the parties you already attend (purse parties, jewelry parties, gold parties, ect.) but with a fun, cool twist. I want YOU to host a PORTRAIT PARTY! You invite all your friends, and as they RSVP you book them a session time. I show up with my camera and all my fun toys and take pictures in 20 minute increments. They can be pictures of your guests alone, their families, their children, or even their pets. As long as we can fit it in their 20 minute mini-session the opportunities are endless. After the session, I will bring the images home to my husband, the editor, and within 2 weeks we will have online proofs for all the guests. As they begin to purchase packages and prints, you (the host) earn rewards. You can earn free sessions, free packages, and even albums depending on the total sales from your party. The way I see it, this is a win-win situation. You and your friends get a free mini-session. I get the chance to meet new people and potentially build my client list, and you can earn free stuff! Just shoot me an email at if this sounds like something you are interested in, and I will send you some more information. Go ahead- pick a date, call your friends, and have a party with my camera and me!

The Plummers

Meet the Plummers! I had so much fun on this shoot. Julie and I were friends in college. She has since moved away to Charleston, and I was thrilled when she fit in a photo shoot on their visit to Augusta. It has literally been years since we have seen each other, and the shoot felt more like two friends catching up on lost time than an actual shoot. Chris and Julie are great parents, and Kate is by far the most laid back baby I have ever worked with. She was an awesome little model. Thanks so much guys! I had too much fun for this to be a job! I hope you enjoy the images!

Aren't they a BEAUTIFUL family?!?!
This one is my new favorite!
She is already checking everything out!

So sweet!

Look at these bloomers!
Definitely one of my favorites!

Julie brought awesome props!

Too much fun!
This one is for grandma!
She is definitely already a baby that knows fashion!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Senior Portraits Promotions

As our business continues to grow and we try to decide which direction we want to pursue and focus on, senior portraits keep coming to my mind. Working with teenagers is so much fun, so we have designed some extra promotional offers as well as a few goodies that teenagers could earn just by telling their friends about Ashleigh Dees Photography.
Seniors can buy a proofing portfolio of up to 80 of their images for only $40. This will give them a softcover, spiral bound notebook with 8 images on each page. This will allow them to show all of their images to their friends and keep them forever. They also have the chance to buy a handcrafted leather album with 10 or 24 of their images in a 5X5 size, and they can earn these free along with other prizes with client referrals.
It is exciting and too much to explain in a blog, so I am going to post all of the information in an attachment below. If you have a senior, know a senior, or know someone who has a senior PLEASE tell them about us and our special offers! Thanks

Friday, July 24, 2009

Sacred Heart

Augusta has some of the best and most beautiful old buildings I have ever seen. Downtown is filled with so much character, and Sacred Heart is extremely special to us because it is where, along with thousands and thousands of other couples got married. The building's beauty is so overwhelming it literally takes your breath away the first time you enter it. There is so much history and character in that gorgeous place, and it is the perfect location for a fairy tale wedding. I hadn't been back to Sacred Heart since our big day, and I wanted to visit Rachel (one of the awesome employees there) so I offered to take some pictures for her to use for their website and promotional information. Anyway I wanted to share this amazing place with you. If you are looking for a place for a wedding look it up!

Isn't it BEAUTIFUL?!?!

The stained glass is amazing!
The ceilings are huge and so detailed!

Doesn't it just look like the perfect place to get married?
More glass

There are pretty gardens all around the building!
Thanks Rachel!

Class of 2010!!!

SENIOR YEAR is such a fun and amazing time for a teenager! I can't believe 10 years ago, I was starting my senior year of high school (yes I know I just told my age!). I can still remember so many of the fun experiences I had that year. I can also remember one that wasn't so much senior pictures. I attempted them THREE times and still wasn't really satisfied with them. I especially didn't enjoy driving to the school during the summer, waiting in line, posing inside against a fake log in front of all my classmates, and having to pin on that same ugly black thing my mom had her senior pictures taken in. It was really a disappointment. I am glad to see some seniors have decided to take a different approach to senior pictures, and I think they are enjoying their experience much more than I did 10 years ago. As you know, teaching high school language arts is my "real job"so I obviously enjoy spending time with teenagers. Senior pictures are a way to blend both of my jobs and get the best of both worlds.
Any senior who books his/her senior portrait session before November will receive a complimentary 8X10 free! Consider this an early graduation gift (no thank you note required!).
A senior session will include 1-2 hours of shooting at the location of your choice. You can include up to 3 wardrobe changes if you choose to, but we can shoot the whole session in the same outfit too. It is all up to YOU! Please contact me to schedule a session and take advantage of this deal!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Last week we were in Cedar Key, Florida enjoying our very first family vacation. We had a great time. It was a different little island off the coast of central Florida. There wasn't much to do there but fish and eat, so we just rested and enjoyed our time together. It was a nice break from the busy life we live back home. I didn't take many pictures throughout the week, but here are some of the highlights. I hope you enjoy them!


My little man in the ocean!
I have to give my sister Abbey credit for this photo!

Isn't he so incredibly cute?

This is what we got to wake up to everyday!
Love him!
Playing with Daddy!

He LOVED the porch!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Hollands

Meet the Abbey and Bryan Holland. These two are VERY special to me. Abbey is my sister and Bryan is her wonderful husband. I could blog for days about all that my sister means to me. She is one of my most favorite people in all the world. She understands me in ways no one else can because she has been with me through every major experience of my life. She puts it best in her own simple way by saying, "She was my first friend," and even now all these years later she is one of my best friends. I am so blessed. Oh yeah- and Bryan he isn't a bad guy either! He makes my sister so happy and is so much fun to be around. He and Cameron bonded at the beach, and I think they will be buddies forever. Enough talking- enjoy the photos.
Love the colors on this one...
They are so cute!

One of my favorites!

So beachy!

Isn't she cute?!?!