If you have been following my blog from the beginning, you will recognize these cuties. Nicole was one of my very first shoots as an "official business", and she has been such a great, supportive client. I was so glad when I showed up for my portrait party last week and found out she was a guest. She is also starting to plan her very on Christmas themed portrait party with a real Santa and everything. Isn't that a great idea?!? I was also happy when she told me she wanted to be in some of the pictures this time. In my experience mommies are usually the ones holding the camera which means there aren't very many pictures with them on the other side of the camera. All mommies deserve some good pics with the babies they give so much too. I love how these turned out.
Nicole and her cute boys!

So many times when I take a picture, I say to myself "Man what I would pay to have a picture like that of me and my (fill in the blank, son, husband, sister, whoever). This is one of those pics. I think it is priceless, and I hope one day someone will be able to capture a picture of Cameron and me like this!

Baby love!

Look at that cute face!

Hasn't he grown?!?!

Love Sawyer's face in this one! He is such a tough baby!

I love this one because it shows Seth's personality and him in his element. He isn't a big fan of sitting still (which I can relate to), so this shows him in action!

Brotherly love!